The DMA is responsible at the 1st Cycle/BSc level for the BSc in Mathematics and the BSc in Applied Statistics and co-responsible, jointly with the Department of Informatics of the Engineering School, for the BCs in Computer Science.
At the post-graduate level, the Department offers seven 2nd Cycle/MSc courses: Statistics, Systems Statistics, Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Finance, and Mathematics and Computation.
At the doctorate/3rd Cycle level, the DMA offers jointly with the Departments of Mathematics of the University of Aveiro and of the University of Porto, in Portugal, the Doctoral Programme in Applied Mathematics. There is also the possibility a PhD in Sciences with a specialization in Mathematics.
The DMA is also responsible for curricular units in Mathematics which belong to the study plan of the others degrees in the University of Minho.
In addition, the Department offers a set of continuous advanced training programmes for high school teachers of Mathematics or Informatics, recognized by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuous Formation.